Academic Achievement In Relation To Personality

Academic Achievement In Relation To Personality
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Язык: Русский
Achievement is considered as a key factor for personal progress. The whole system of education revolves around academic achievement. Academic achievement is the combination of ability and effort. Presumable ability being equal, that higher motivation, expertness and more effort will achieve higher grade. The need for achievement is a learned motive to compete and to strive for success. There are wide differences among individuals, their past experiences and in their motivation that is learned, which account for the need for achievement. The main intention of the study is to find the relation of academic achievement of IX class students with management, locality, gender, age, annual income, father education, mother education, father occupation, mother occupation, caste, size of the family, residence, personality and type of family. In this study different types of statistical techniques are used – Frequency Distribution Characteristics, Critical Ratio and One Way ANOVA. The present book is aimed to identify the influence of personality ad socio – demographic variables of IX class students. Data was collected from 300 IX class students in Chittoor district.


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