Acoustics 4 Architects

Acoustics 4 Architects
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Язык: Русский
Building owners are realising the necessity of ensuring quality sound, free from unwanted noise, within and outside. The talent of the architectural acoustician has never been more in demand than now. Architects build their ‘castles’ on the grounds of the past, and so the historical development of acoustics, technical and socio-cultural, are essential learning for those interested in the subject. Architects manoeuvre the building volume, modify the surfaces within, employ an array of available materials, and consider the external features to arrive at an agreeable acoustic solution; but so complex is the interrelations between the multifaceted factors that operate to produce a soothing sound or a disturbing noise that seldom is there a total agreement among the listeners. Like many other architectural aspects, technology is dominated by psychological issues. The application of acoustic knowledge to design is no more a matter of chance. Extensive research and knowledge has made the subject more intriguing for the student and the practitioner. A sound knowledge of Higher Secondary/‘O’-level Physics is essential to consult the book, and delve into the captivating and useful details.


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