Beauty for Ashes, a Garment of Praise

Beauty for Ashes, a Garment of Praise
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Язык: Русский
This book is a concise summary of a wonderful child’s lifestyle prior to her demise. It is a masterpiece; a real life issue with lots of scientific background and biblical perspective. It depicts true greatness. Like poet Flynn puts it in one of his stanzas: "A man is as great as the thoughts he thinks, as the worth he has attained; as the fountains at which his spirit drinks, and the insight he has gained." It is intended that people might draw nigh to God after reading this book. The book has been thoroughly examined, with a view of eliminating errors, incorporating suggestions of readers, updating concepts, and discarding irrelevant materials.Copyright ©July 2011 Grace K AbabioAll rights reserved. No part of this publication should be reproduced in any form without prior permission of the publisher and the author.


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