Coals from Anambra Basin and Middle Benue Trough of Nigeria

Coals from Anambra Basin and Middle Benue Trough of Nigeria
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Язык: Русский
Over the years the Nigerian Government has depended so much on hydroelectric power as source of power supply in the Country. This source of electricity generation has not been sufficient because of the attendant seasonal variation in the volume of water and non-development of other sources such as fossil fuel (coal) with which the Country has comparative advantage. This book presents research findings on coal as a reliable source of power generation by examining the technological properties of the coal deposits in both the Anambra Basin and the Middle Benue Trough of Nigeria. The study has clearly identified that coal deposits in the Anambra Basin, sub-bituminous in rank, are suitable for combustion and electricity generation, while those of bituminous rank in the Middle Benue Trough have limited coking potential. This research finding, among other things, makes an invaluable contribution to the Power sector especially in developing an Action Plan for the actualization of coal-fired power plants as a mandate for the ‘Coal-to-Power Project’ of the Power Ministry of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.


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