Cosmopolitanism and World Culture

Cosmopolitanism and World Culture
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Язык: Русский
Cosmopolitanism is a conception of a world outlook that proclaims ideas of world citizenship and domination of interests of the whole world on the interests of a particular nation. From a cultural point of view cosmopolitanism in the branch of culture causes a lot of positive changes, creating a special ‘cultural sphere’ around the globe. Representatives of different nations and cultures share experiences and positive achievements, making cultural heritage of a certain country, which includes humanitarian, scientific and artistic values, common for the whole-world society. This analyses should lighten the problem of cosmopolitanism in culture and psychology and explain the most efficient points of it throughout historical overview of extinction of the cultural sphere of our planet. Therefore this book may be considered as an attempt of a theoretic cross-cultural research and can be useful to professionals in Cosmopolitanism, Cultural History, Mass and Intercultural Psychology fields or anyone else who may be wondering in philosophy and world development processes.


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