Cultural Hybridization or Cultural Homogenization?

Cultural Hybridization or Cultural Homogenization?
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Modernity, stories of the West about itself and others, cultural globalization and capitalism are all historical forces that pushed humanity to sameness which is not critical. By critical I am referring to the absence of a rational 'polylogue' among different parts of the whole. Rather it is an imitation or a forced choice of cultures disseminated from few producers of such cultures. Contrary to this homogenizing tendency, some philosophical and sociological discourses valued diversity. Among others; postmodernism, multiculturalism, cultural relativism and hermeneutics were the major ones. point however is not only to show the arguments of these two sides but also discuss some other way out beyond the controversy….. This text might be of interest to those mainly interested in the historical and current trends of intercultural relations. Students of social sciences and humanities might take this text as their staring point for further discussion and argument.


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