Culture and Trauma among War Affected Communities

Culture and Trauma among War Affected Communities
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Язык: Русский
This book includes two major parts. The first studies the interdisciplinary theoretical, methodological and the empirical perspectives of Ethnoanthropology, Sociology and Social work as they approach Culture, Identity,Trauma and Bereavement experiences among war affected African refugee communities.The second part focuses on "War affected African communities: Impacts of trauma on their social integration issues and on their Refugee youth’s involvement in gangs (Winnipeg, Manitoba) and provides a relevant anthropological analysis of crucial social and cultural issues faced by these communities.This book mainly reveals the systemic racism and exclusion, the racial profiling and criminalization mechanisms targeting War affected African refugee communities and the Black Youth in general. The suppression and coercion strategies deployed by the Criminal Justice System purposefully ignore the traumatic backgrounds of such wounded youth and their real life experiences of war exile, survival and their socioeconomic distress deeply worsened by the permanent institutional and structural racialization of their poverty and their cultural marginalization.


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