Determinants of Student Strikes in Secondary Schools

Determinants of Student Strikes in Secondary Schools
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Язык: Русский
The book deals with investigation of student strikes in secondary schools in Rift Valley Province, Kenya, between 2006 and 2009 by highlighting the perpetrators of strikes as dependent variables while administrative curriculum, drugs, community and student discipline are independent variables. Random sampling techniques as well as descriptive survey using questionnaires and interviews schedule were used to collect data from targeted populations comprising of principals and students from selected schools that were affected by strikes. Reliability and validity of the instruments were established through test and retest using Cronbach’s Alpha to assess the reliability co-efficient that yielded 0.82 and through experts’ judgment involving discussions on education management and policy studies respectively. Descriptive data analysis and multivariate regression bolsters independent variables’ early likening related to dependent variables while factor analysis helped select out of the five dependent variables that most likely influence strikes. The study recommends training of the principals and reviewing curriculum, apart from posting trained counselors to schools to help students.


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