Education and its Impact in Early Twentieth Century Egypt

Education and its Impact in Early Twentieth Century Egypt
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Язык: Русский
This book examines the missionary, government and traditional Muslim educational systems in Egypt during the colonial period in view of highlighting the impact of Church-related and modern secular education on the thought of Egyptian intellectuals. Among all the evangelistic methods, either through individual or institutional mission ,education has always been the most favoured method of approach to Muslims, Modern secular education, being the most pervasive among Egyptian intellectuals, challenged the traditional system which managed to preserve itself, without actually meeting the pervasiveness of the modern secular tendencies mainly because of the non formulation of Islamic concepts. The main finding is the failure of Christian missionaries at converting Egyptian intellectuals and an astounding and outstanding concern and exultation at the impact of secular influences on the Egyptians’ thought . A dichotomy between traditional and modern education systems in Egypt with marked differences on the aspects of thought that characterised its intellectuals is worth discovering through the reading of this book.


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