EU's External Energy Policy: Between Disintegration and Consensus

EU's External Energy Policy: Between Disintegration and Consensus
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Язык: Русский
Recently, the most debated topic at the EU level has been the formulation of a well-defined and integrated energy policy for the union due to the growing demand for energy, dependence of Europe upon external sources and politicization of energy relations. Despite the initiatives by the European Commission to develop a common energy policy for the European Union, success to this regard is limited. This book explores the extent to which the European Union could be successful in formulating common external energy policy and define the driving forces brought about to this level of integration, focusing particularly on external energy policy towards Russia and the Caspian Region. Liberal Intergovernmentalist approach is applied to achieve the stated objectives of the book, which implies the energy policy – from the European perspective and towards Russia and the Caspian region – of the major players within the EU – the UK, Germany and France -, has been analyzed, as well.


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