Impact assessment of management training in the Russian Federation

Impact assessment of management training in the Russian Federation
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Язык: Русский
This book presents the results of an impact assessment study carried out in the Russian Federation. The purpose of the research was to highlight the long term impacts of management training initiatives developed in the Russian Federation over the last ten years. From an epistemological point of view, the methodology chosen was founded on an interpretative approach; so, multiple case studies and qualitative methods were considered as essential parts of the study. The results of the field work were then compared against other secondary data – government reports and statistics, evaluation reports, etc. - to cross check the overall coherence of the data from the field with existing knowledge. The main finding is that training enhanced the arise of a new social entity: the “Russian manager”, inspired by common values and who is becoming “proof”, in the eyes of potential foreign partners, that Russia is a reliable place for business. Recommendations for the design of future training policies in the Russian Federation are drawn. Moreover, this impact assessment study highlights some lessons learned as a basis for reflection on future policy making in transition economies.


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