Impacts of ICT to Health and Environment

Impacts of ICT to Health and Environment
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Information and communication Technology plays an important part of our modern life. The modern life we cannot think us without information and communication technology. There is a word says “Nothing in the world is fully develop for human help”. Electromagnetic field is used by several communications and information technological device for core design. It has many bad effects to the human health and to environmental. Many Diseases are formed by it so in modern time it is called the Stupid economy. Many standards are following now by NCRP, IEEE, ICNIRP, ANSI, FCC, WHO. So according to the rules and regulation of this organization if we design a product and assign a safety frequency we may save us slightly from a great danger. So the manufacturer should obey the rules to product design for safety use. The impact cannot be reducing totally but precautionary step can save from great danger and loss can be minimizing into a satisfactory level. In the personal use of the ICT device we would aware to take care of our health ad as well as the environment.


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