Implementation of Citizen Centric National Identity Management Systems

Implementation of Citizen Centric National Identity Management Systems
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Язык: Русский
Technological advancements have made it increasingly possible for organisations to; electronically establish the social connections of people, provide location independent services and seamless flow of information. Many of such commercial transactions and social interactions require some degree of personal information disclosure, making personal identity information, an integral part of modern business models. This book explain that effective uses of identity management systems depend on efficient civil registration systems, user involvement and institutional cooperation. It also shows that, for effective uses of identity management systems, policy makers must focus on attainment of a “threshold level of trust”. Such trust threshold encourages institutional cooperation and secondary uses of personal identity information since it results in low citizens’ concerns. The study contributes to identity management literature by enriching our understanding of the factors that are essential for successful implementation of national identity management systems. It also provides guidelines for developers and policy makers in establishing future ecosystem of trusted identities.


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