Improving Customer Knowledge Management through online games

Improving Customer Knowledge Management through online games
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Язык: Русский
Today, one of the most important challenges in customer knowledge management (CKM) is to know customer’s profile and buying pattern. It is very difficult to know why a customer buy or do not buy a product. Knowing a customer’s buying pattern and capturing this patterns gives opportunity to the top management of a company to make strategic planning, marketing strategies and decisions in meeting customers’ need and interests in order to maximize profit for the company. But the problem is how you are going to ask your customers what they like before they enter you online shop? it is impossible to ask all the customers about their interests and then you change your online shop according to their interests and exhibit the products that they will probably buy. Nowadays, no one has free time to answer survey and even if they have free time, they do not like to talk about their interests with strangers. So how can we know about our customers’ interests? This book will guide you toward a very successful technique that will help you to know your customers much better.


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