Job satisfaction among workers of garment manufacturing units in India

Job satisfaction among workers of garment manufacturing units in India
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This research shows that satisfied, motivated employees will create higher customer satisfaction and in turn positively influence organizational performance. Convenient work location, working with young people, opportunities for promotion and career prospects, fair salary, good policies, job security and dynamic working environment are few attributes which are critically important from the view point of most of the employees. Job satisfaction among employees is very important for the growth. Job satisfaction refers to a person’s feeling of satisfaction on the job, which act as a motivator to work. Job satisfaction of the employees is of paramount significance for the efficient and successful functioning of the organization. The job satisfaction is linked with motivation, absenteeism and general life satisfaction. All these factors are important for the growth and prosperity of any organization. Study reveals that comprehensive employee satisfaction process can be a key to a more motivated and loyal workforce leading to increased customer satisfaction and overall profitability for the organization.


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