M&A in the Realm of Technology Driven Industrial Engineering Practices

M&A in the Realm of Technology Driven Industrial Engineering Practices
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About Book: Mergers and Acquisitions in the Realm of Technology Driven Industrial Engineering Practices is a research work transformed in the form of book. The content of this book explores the possibility of real time merger and acquisition process through technology driven industrial engineering practices. This book presents the conceptual models and hypothesis for the system normalization. The Operation Oriented Architecture (OOA) of ERP middleware is one of the conceptual models for the complete solution of system normalization on mergers and acquisitions of manufacturing enterprises. The template in the form of ready reckoner is designed for the ready reference of M&A process of manufacturing enterprises with a technocrat’s perspective. This book also presents an impact of articulated system normalization on M&A as successful merged entity and natural system normalization as unsuccessful merged entity through empirical data which was collected from technology practitioners and engineers.This book will helpful to the MBA students for their study in M&A, Students from technology studding role of ERP, SCM, ICT in technology driven M&A, Industry Persons and M&A practitioners.


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