Media and 2013 Political Process in Kenya

Media and 2013 Political Process in Kenya
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Today, media remains the most influential institution in the world. Given its power, it has become an inevitable tool for advertising, advocacy, and passing information in developed and developing countries. We know media, new and traditional, in political processes because of the hype that comes with politics. In Kenya, media has had its ups and downs since independence. The infamous 2007/2008 post election violence will take time to be forgotten and the narration of the ordeals of the violence can not pass without mentioning media’s role. This book examines the use of media by Kenyan politicians, especially the social media and particularly twitter; the significant case study that Kenyan media launched by holding the first presidential debate prior to March 4th elections: an event that proved to shape voter decision; and the failures of Kenyan media as a watchdog in the coverage of the 2013 elections in Kenya. This book will be fit for those who want to explore the role of media in political communication. The future lies in the hands of media. True or false?


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