Mergers and Acquisitions

Mergers and Acquisitions
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A number of advantages are considered of mergers and acquisitions but all ventures so acquired are not successful. The studies round the globe suggest that only 50 per cent are not able to achieve their objectives because certain factors are not properly looked into. This book on “Mergers and Acquisitions Prospects and Problems in India” suggest that the world over the number and value of cross border mergers and acquisitions is growing up year after year because it is considered a speedy way to become big India was passive on this front till 2004 but from 2005 onwards some Indian corporates specially Birlas and Tatas have become very aggressive to acquire firms round the globe, other big players are L.N. Mittal and Sunil Mittal. Corporates have acquired both horizontal and vertical companies considering that these acquisitions will not only add to their assets but also to profits and make them global players. This book throws light on various aspects of Mergers and Acquisitions specially in the Indian context. This also analyses and gives proper account of Indian laws and procedures regarding Mergers ad Acquisitions.


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