Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids - "The Fats of Life"

Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids - "The Fats of Life"
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Язык: Русский
Hippocrates (460-377B.C), the father of medicine recommended, “Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food”. Such an idea reflected the importance of dietary supplements for their therapeutic and preventive bioactive components due to their elevated margin of safety and desired range of efficacy. The last two decades have witnessed a major drift in the interests of the scientific community towards providing better means to containing the health risks of the human race. The century old chemotherapies against various disorders have never been a success, albeit not a total failure. Such therapies have a major drawback of side effects that give rise to unseen disorders that emerge as a new challenge. In this regard, the concept of foodstuffs as natural medicines i.e. nutraceuticals has become very attractive. Researches performed all over the globe has shown that polyunsaturated fatty acids are highly beneficial in the proper physiological functioning and also have ameliorative properties in various diseases/disorders.


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