Power Management Integrated Circuit Analysis and Design

Power Management Integrated Circuit Analysis and Design
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Язык: Русский
A timely one-stop pioneering book presenting all four major power management integrated circuits Existing analog IC books usually focus on amplifier and comparator designs, with some extend to switched capacitor filter designs and analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters design. There is no book yet on power management integrated circuits. Ki's book fills the void. This self-contained book discusses all fundamental concepts in switching converters, low dropout regulators, charge pumps and voltage references systematically, and in the context of analog integrated circuit design. Furthermore, concepts are discussed in both qualitative and quantitative aspects. Qualitative understanding is important in getting the essential operation of a circuit, but quantitative analysis supplies the solid foundation on which qualitative discussion is based. First book covering all four major power management circuits All concepts discussed in both qualitative and quantitative aspects Written as a self-contained text – well-organized and systematic Authored by a pioneering scientist in the field Supplementary instructional materials available for lecturers MATLAB simulation code for readers to download and practice on their own.


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