Power of Knowledge in Economy and Nature

Power of Knowledge in Economy and Nature
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To quote Engels about dialectical materialism: “In the present work dialectics is conceived as the science of the most general laws of all motion. Therein is included that their laws must be equally valid for motion in nature and human history and for the motion of thought.” In the book, the pivotal concept within Marxist theory, which has determined the working power and the ruling power in economy, is offered to extend on nature. Power of knowledge appears as a result of their united action and starts implementation a number of the enigmatic phenomena. It is shown that power of knowledge is a mechanism converting the ocean water heat into the hurricane with his stormy wind, enormous clouds, lightnings and thunder. It is a mechanism converting cold ice of the comet nucleus into its tail, forming hot, brightly luminous plasma that fills the half of sky. And, finally, you will know how to use the power of knowledge in your business. It illustrates how mechanism with power of knowledge can really work in you business.


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