Seeking a Theory for the End of the World

Seeking a Theory for the End of the World
Раздел: Астрономия
Доступно в форматах: EPUB | PDF | FB2
Язык: Русский
In this book the author asks a number of questions which touch fundamental subjects, and presents his discussions with many researchers on separate big problems starting from the behavior of an electron in an atom to a possible acceleration of the universe. For example, in the book it is treated: the fine structure constant and the Shannon entropy; Shpenkov’s interpretation on the classical wave equation leading to a shell-nodal model of atoms and molecules and the periodic table of elements close to the Mendeleyev’s table. And also there are 50 questions on the issue of astrophysics, cosmology and gravitational physics (some of them have been surveyed jointly with Michael Peck). This book is dedicated to all physics and cosmology students and also all physicists who want to find out a good theory for the End of The World. Of course, it does not mean that you should agree with the ideas described in this book, but if the book can disturb your mind to think in other way, then it has achieved its purpose.


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