Serious challenges to the current concepts of Electricity & Magnetism

Serious challenges to the current concepts of Electricity & Magnetism
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We both proceed to current mistakes and present new theories in E&M. Potential difference between two conductors of a capacitor is two times more than potential difference between two poles of the battery which has charged it; we see influence of this in the experiments performed for determination of charge and mass of electron. Existence of conduction current isn't because of existence of any electric field in conductor and the linear relation J = gE cannot be valid. Relaxation time and drift velocity are independent of charge and mass. Action mechanism of transistor is explained and a hydrodynamical analogue for it is introduced. In a gradient of magnetic field magnetic dipoles of air are attracted toward the region of intense field and create an air pressed pad there causing levitation in diamagnetism. Electrons get freed from hot core of Earth accompany it in revolving around stationary liquid core and so create a big magnet in it. Probably electron doesn’t have a size so small compared with the dimensions of a molecule. We must take into account role of air pressure difference created at two sides of each of two parallel current-carrying wires in their repulsion or attraction.


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