Students' Attitude and Self-Concept as predictors of Maths performance

Students' Attitude and Self-Concept as predictors of Maths performance
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Mathematics as a subject is perceived to be fundamental in the understanding and mastery of science in the modern society. Despite the fact that mathematics is critical for many careers and technological advancement, currently there is a public outcry concerning the low standard of Mathematics performance in most countries. In relation to the factors perceived to influence students’ performance, many studies have so far indicated that students’ academic self-concept and attitudes are among the most important psychological constructs that can explain any academic achievement. Research shows that many children begin schooling with a positive attitude towards Mathematics; however these attitudes tend to become negative as children grow up. The changes and variations of students’ attitudes is great concern to educational stakeholders in many parts of the world. Therefore, this book provides research based findings mainly focusing on: the causes of variations in students’ attitude and Academic self-concept towards Mathematics and the extent to which students’ attitude and Academic Self-concept predict Mathematics performance.


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