System Analysis and Design of a Computerized Records Management System

System Analysis and Design of a Computerized Records Management System
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Язык: Русский
A major factor limiting the effectiveness of industry is the difficulty in handling the increasing amount of information needed to support competitive levels of production. The Renters’ record of the Nigerian Postal Services (NIPOST) is handled by the Records unit of the organization. The system is currently manual. The study highlighted the objectives of the organization, its functions, structure, policies and procedures so as to have a comprehensive analysis of the system. Feasibility study of the two alternative systems was carried out. The two alternatives were subjected to three factors: socio- technical, operational and economic feasibility studies, and at the end, the best option, the partially automated system was selected and a customized software(NIPRENT) was developed to replace the existing system. The aim of this book is to help shed some light in automating a manual system of records.


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