Teaching ancient Greek Theatre in English Secondary School

Teaching ancient Greek Theatre in English Secondary School
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Язык: Русский
Ancient Greek plays were first produced more than two thousand years ago. Throughout this time they have been performed around the globe. Over the last few decades there has been a rise in their performances that reflect audience expectations for plays that challenge and negotiate existential issues. Ancient Greek Theatre is regarded as a difficult subject to approach but there is a growing interest in finding affective ways of approaching the art form in schools. This book starts by looking at the latest history of drama and theatre in English Education and how this affected teaching theatrical plays in schools. It examines modern dramatic methods and how they can be utilised to approach ancient Greek Theatre while considering the historic-political background of the art. Three projects were realized that allowed active student participation and the means to reflect on methods and approaches. A critical review takes place to identify and evaluate the elements of art form and suggest a new approach that offers students’ a fulfilling experience.


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