The Approaches Of The Guidance And Counselling Teachers

The Approaches Of The Guidance And Counselling Teachers
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Our country, which shouldn’t remain behind from the improvements in the World, must give the required importance to education and quickly keep up with the improvements taking place in the World in order to be one of the developed countries. While keeping up with the improvements taking place in the World, application of improvements without researching and adapting to our country, especially similar to the direct copying of the improvements in education sector, can result in harm on our country and our youth who are our future. We are facing a situation which the modern world is aware of for a long time and where precautions are trying to be taken against the possible harmful outcome; “psychological intimidation in work-place” or “mobbing” with its most known name, the results of investigations show that psychological intimidation can be seen in any culture or in the structure of organisations.


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