Tobacco and Brain Health

Tobacco and Brain Health
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Язык: Русский
This work was aimed at exploring the possible effects of the Nicotinan tabacum on the behaviour, frontal cortex and hippocampus of mice in other to come up with useful recommendations and contribute to the body of knowledge. The smoking and chewing of tobacco leaves was a part of the Native American culture long before Europeans discovered and conquered the Americas, and to this day North American Indian males have one of the highest smoked and smokeless tobacco usage rates in the Western world and across the globe. According the report of NIDA (2009) tobacco use kills approximately 440, 000 Americans each year with one in every five United States death the result of smoking; Smoking harms nearly every organs in the body, causes many diseases, and compromises smokers’ health in general. I hope this research report will help readers across the globe to understand the harmful effects of tobacco use and identify best practices prevention and treatment of tobacco addiction and use it to save over 1.8 million youths that are in to tobacco use globally.


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