Tourism and corporate societal responsibility in the Netherlands

Tourism and corporate societal responsibility in the Netherlands
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The Dutch development aid sector is up for big changes. Historically the sector was dominated by multilateral, bilateral and private organizations. Nowadays private sector’s contributions from alternative sources are gaining in popularity endangering and shifting the roles of donors. Corporate Social Responsibility is becoming undeniable for companies and individuals due to societal pressure. One way of fulfilling a company’s CSR policy is to participate in development aid projects. Due to tourism many individuals experience poverty in developing countries and decide to start a foundation/Private Initiative. The flow of global social justice has reached micro environment in the Netherlands. These days every part of Dutch society is connected to development aid. With many factors influencing Dutch donor positions and roles in the development aid scheme the following objective is formed for this dissertation: “to analyze the flow of global social justice, and the position of Dutch donors on macro, meso and micro level in the Dutch society on basis of individuals’ perspectives working for Dutch organizations involved with some means of development aid’.


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