Translating Postmodern Children's Literature

Translating Postmodern Children's Literature
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Язык: Русский
The aim of this book is to bring into focus the web of intricacies in which the translator finds himself/herself, in order to provide a set of pertinent tools for his/her trade. It attempts to design a tentative translation model, as an outcome of children’s expectations of texts translated from English into Romanian, as evinced from the results of the questionnaire applied. The subsequent case studies trace the way translation norms and conventions have been systematically applied, both from a diachronic and synchronic perspective, and the way they comply, on the one hand, with the comprehensive theoretical framewok adopted, and, on the other hand, with children’s expectations. Furthermore, the textual analysis dwells upon creative translation at phonological, semantic, syntactic, and pragmatic level. Translating children’s literature is, indeed, a case apart, and the problems the translator encounters in this line of work call for intuitive knowledge and sensitive apprehension of childhood matched by the challenge of finding creative solutions time and again.


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