Understanding of exercise induced muscle soreness

Understanding of exercise induced muscle soreness
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Язык: Русский
Exercise and weight training is a worldwide obsession and have been undergone a considerable metamorphosis over the past few years. Basic exercise training is an enjoyable and beneficial activity if one does it in a right way. Sports Physical Therapist, Sports Scientists and Coaches have developed increasingly sophisticated methods for improving strength and sports performance through muscle training. Unfortunately, these concepts sometimes are difficult for the average person to implement due to exercise induced muscle soreness (EIMS). This book is best and most comprehensive beginning in prevention and treatment of EIMS for the reader. The current book also included previous researches on various theories and treatment modalities of EIMS and helps to lead the reader for the better understanding of EIMS. Overall intention of “Understanding of exercise induced muscle soreness” is to make understand all readers and professionals to right method of muscle training and prevention of EIMS and its practice to prevent various musculoskeletal injuries. This book aims at coaches, sports physical therapist, and post and undergraduate students of physical therapy, sports sciences.


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