Understanding the Dwarfs: Sustainability and Stigmatization

Understanding the Dwarfs: Sustainability and Stigmatization
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Язык: Русский
Dwarfism means particular short stature of human being that is caused by a genetic process or hormonal reasons usually at the stage of pregnancy. Dwarfism results a certain level of height growth of human being which is far below than the standard of ‘average-height’ in society. This feature of short stature of the Dwarf people, make them to live in a bounded space in terms of economic, social and emotional issues. They become stigmatized in society from various dimensions. The stigma of the Dwarfs is associated with their body pattern, which is in turn deeply rooted in mythology and other socio-cultural perceptions of the stereotyped people in society. As a result they do not get enough access in the expected life chances and they are represented in society as something unusual. That is, the Dwarf people have to face the discrediting stigma attributes of Dwarfism in their professional and everyday daily living. These stigmatizations of the Dwarf people adversely affect their sustainability. This book is to provide an understanding about the sustainability and stigmatizations of the Dwarf people in the social context of northeastern part of Bangladesh.


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