Water Purification and sanitation techniques in Kenya

Water Purification and sanitation techniques in Kenya
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One tenth of the global disease burden is preventable by achievable improvements in the way we manage water while eighty eight per cent of cases of diarrhoea worldwide are attributable to unsafe water, inadequate sanitation or insufficient hygiene. These cases result in 1.5 million deaths each year, most being the deaths of children. Cost effective, resilient and sustainable solutions have proven to alleviate that burden especially to the benefit of the most-affected population – children in developing countries. Water related improvements are crucial to meet the Millennium Development Goals, reduce child mortality, and improve health and nutritional status in a sustainable way. This book is an assessment of the effectiveness of water purification techniques towards human health in Kenya (Kimilili District, Bungoma County) such as; boiling drinking water; use of chemicals like chlorine, iodine and Alum; physical purification; proper waste disposal e,g use of latrines and toilets, treatment of sewage before discharge. This book is of importance to the Ministry of Health and sanitation, environmentalists,water suppliers, the Ministry of Planning and Vision 2030 and other players.


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