Медико-биологические дисциплины

REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH For Health Science Students in Ethiopia

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Язык: Русский
Teaching reproductive health to students is a challenge because of its vastness and inter-disciplinary nature; it is at the crossroad between clinical and public health teaching. Most of the problems ...

Profiling of Medicinal Uses of Byrsocarpus coccineus(Connaraceae)

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Язык: Русский
The use of plants to treat diverse ailments is a practice that evolved with man and millions of people worldwide use herbal remedies and drugs discovered through study of traditional cures and folk kn ...

The Efficacy of Homoeopathy

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Язык: Русский
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is the diagnosis encompassing a cluster of distressing symptoms which is characterized by re-experiencing trauma, by avoidance behaviour and by hyper-arousal, sym ...

Научное обоснование санаторного этапа медицинской реабилитации

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Язык: Русский
Санаторно-курортная помощь – важнейшая часть социальной и экономической политики государства, включающая систему государственных, медицинских и социально-экономических мероприятий, обеспечивающих лече ...

Mental Health status of People living with HIV/AIDS in Mumbai city

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Язык: Русский
HIV/AIDS has emerged as a major health problem and has serious effect on physical & mental well-being. Mental health problems are of common occurrence, but people with HIV are more likely to experienc ...
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