
Арабо-израильское противостояние

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Большинство современных конфликтов являются ценностными, т.е. содержат в себе элементы борьбы идентичностей, в первую очередь, этнических и религиозных. Этнический и религиозный факторы стали важ ...

Неевклидова политика

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Неевклидова политика - это политические процессы, происходящие в альтернативной системе координат, находящейся за пределами традиционного спектра правых, левых и центристских партий и движений. При эт ...

The Energy Impact Theory of Foreign Policy

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National wealth derived from the production of oil and gas is considered exceptional. As well as being potentially detrimental to the broader economy, it is thought liable to diminish standards of gov ...

Turkey - NATO Relations after the Cold War

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In 1949, when NATO was founded, twelve states were members, but today NATO is a 28 membered colossal defense organization and NATO members make 70 percent of the total military spending in the world. ...

Mystical (Sufi) Foundation of International Relations in Islam

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Contemporary international relations have reached a fragile condition, and prevailing disciplines and arrangements cannot bring stability and peace among nations. Establishing peace, security and disc ...
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