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Sedimentology and Stratigraphic Evolution of the Warchha Sandstone

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During Early Permian (Artinskian) times, fluvial conditions prevailed in the Salt Range, Pakistan. Deposits of the Warchha Sandstone are characterised by a range of fluvial facies and architectural el ...

Ленин и Толстой

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Язык: Русский
Москва, 1928 год. Издательство коммунистической академии. Типографский переплет. Сохранность хорошая. В настоящий сборник вошли все материалы, в том или ином виде зафиксировавшие отношение Ленина к ...

Rhizobacteria extenuate ACC-induced classical triple response in pea

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Язык: Русский
This study was conducted to investigate the influence of ACC deaminase rhizobacteria on the ACC-induced classical “triple” response in etiolated pea seedlings. Etiolated pea seedlings were exposed to ...

Forest Based Dairy Husbandry Practices of Van Gujjars

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Язык: Русский
There are millions of people all over the world who live in and rely on the forest. Some of the communities are exclusively living on livestock resources. Given the importance of the forest and more s ...

Воспроизводство плодородия черноземов в агроценозах ЦЧР

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Язык: Русский
На основе использования биологических показателей приведена комплексная оценка приемов воспроизводства плодородия черноземов в длительных стационарных опытах. Определены различные источники формирован ...