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Сознание и интуиция

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Язык: Русский
Предлагаемая вниманию читателей книга известного российского ученого биофизика, доктора биологических наук А.П.Дуброва "Сознание и Интуиция" посвящена одной из самых острых и сложных проблем современн ...

Национальное самосознание личности

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Язык: Русский
Проблема национального самосознания личности и нации, национальной идентификации в современном динамичном обществе, вставшем на путь глобализации, как никогда актуальна. В книге систематизированы осно ...

Subjective Well Being of Cancer Patients and their Care Givers

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Язык: Русский
Towards the second half of last century some psychologists, upon observing an overwhelming emphasis on negative mood states in psychology, and recognizing the positive in human beings, started to expl ...

Influence of Parental Marital Status

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Язык: Русский
Single parenting has found little, if any, acceptance in most communities in Kenya, which may adversely affect self-esteem, discipline and interpersonal relationships of children in the households. Th ...

fMRI Artifact Correction in EEG and EMG Data

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Язык: Русский
The concurrent acquisition of EEG and fMRI allows to combine the high spatial resolution of fMRI and the high temporal resolution of EEG. However, the rapidly changing magnetic fields of the fMRI grad ...