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Learning English - The personal journey of seven Australian immigrants

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The settlement and productivity of Australian immigrants are issues of vital concern. This book describes how social identity and investment influence second language (L2) learning for a group of seve ...

Experiential Education for Secondary Urban Students

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Язык: Русский
Experiential education is a type of hands on learning. This book focuses on the question: what are instructional strategies in experiential education and how do they affect students’ self-concept and ...

Female academics' career growth and leadership position

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Studies have shown that women are a minority in non-traditional careers, have slow career growth compared to their male colleagues and almost invisible in leadership positions, therefore excluded in p ...

Guidance Needs of Degree Students

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The need of the guidance in today’s school and colleges has grown from a traditional life in educational opportunities for all. The drastic change in the modernized society will no doubt continue to m ...

Decentralised Primary School Education Service Delivery in Uganda

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This study investigated the challenges of decentralised primary school education service delivery in rural areas with Masuliita Sub-county Wakiso District as case study. The study established the effe ...