Management of Urban Co-operative Banks in India

Management of Urban Co-operative Banks in India
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Язык: Русский
Co-operative banks are an integral part of the Indian financial system. They comprise urban co-operative banks and rural co-operative credit institutions. Co-operative banks in India are more than 100 years old. UCBs also referred to as primary co-operative banks, play an important role in meeting the growing credit needs of urban and semi-urban areas of the country. UCBs mobilize savings from the middle and lower income groups and purvey credit to small borrowers, including weaker sections of the society. Scheduled UCBs are under closer regulatory and supervisory framework of the RBI. Though much smaller as compared to scheduled commercial banks, co-operative banks constitute an important segment of the Indian banking system. They have traditionally played an important role in creating banking habits among the lower and middle-income groups in urban areas and also in strengthening the rural credit delivery system. This book – focusing on management of UCBs – in India, including recent reforms. Besides, it includes a case study of financial efficiency and the working of UCBs in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh of Chittoor District.


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