The Use Of Narrative Voices To Present Ideological Dispensation

The Use Of Narrative Voices To Present Ideological Dispensation
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Язык: Русский
This study investigates Marjorie Oludhe Macgoye’s use of various narrators to portray female characters in Coming to Birth, The Present Moment and Homing In. By focusing on the narrators’ self expression, the study investigates the writer’s ideological position as well as the organizational skills used to construct the unique experiences and realities of the female character. The book investigates the implications of the narrative discourse that underlie narratorial voice in Macgoye’s selected texts in an attempt to identify how these are mediated by factors such as gender relations, social concerns and cultural values. These are the essential concepts underlying the ideology which informs the medium through which the textual reality is presented in the selected novels. The analysis has been facilitated by the theory of the narrative as understood within the larger stylistic approach to literature. The theory sees the novel as a story with a storyteller who can take several positions. This is a conceptual study that has relied on close readings of the selected texts.


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