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Marketing Strategies to Egyptian Children

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The main purpose of the present research was to investigate Multi-Parties effects upon the purchase behaviour of children. The outcome of such an investigation was discussed and interpreted with refer ...

The Impact Of Social Networking On Marketing, PR and Events

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The burgeoning adoption of social networking tool for promotion of business has tremendously changed the face of many businesses in the last one or two decades. This increasing adoption of social netw ...

Consumer Guilt

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Consumer guilt is a feeling which results from one’s recognition of having failed to achieve, or violated internalized personal or social moral standards in the context of consumption. The present stu ...

The Anatomy of Buzz Revisited: Real-life Lessons in Word-of-Mouth Marketing

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A new edition of the definitive handbook on word-of-mouth marketing, completely revised and updated for today’s online world With two-thirds new material and scores of current examples from today ...

Social Media Marketing For Dummies

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Learn to: Grasp the latest trends in social media marketing Build and launch a campaign for a small or large business Find your unique voice in social media marketing Take advantage of fast ...
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