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Fundamentals of Pharmaceutical Microbiology
Раздел: Лекарственные препараты
Язык: Русский
The book “Fundamentals of Pharmaceutical microbiology” cover all the aspects of Microbiology which impact directly upon the development, production and use of pharmaceutical compounds. The book is a u ...
Synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of isatin derivatives
Раздел: Лекарственные препараты
Язык: Русский
Preface The book entitled “Synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of novel isatin derivatives” has been compiled to meet the essential requirement of the researcher for the development novel potent ...
Tolerance and Physical Dependence for Tramadol Hcl
Раздел: Лекарственные препараты
Язык: Русский
When you have hearing about the drug addiction you think it’s just a bad habit, it’s not like that, death timer will start at first time of injection, you may not understand what the mean of death tim ...
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Раздел: Лекарственные препараты
Язык: Русский
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the most common form of inflammatory joint diseases, is a disease of unknown etiology and affects 1% of the population worldwide and generally involves many joints because o ...
Hand book of Pharmaceutical Equipment and GLP(Good Laboratory Practice)
Раздел: Лекарственные препараты
Язык: Русский
The need to implement quality standards in drug research, development and testing; the situation in developing countries and the role of WHO/TDR. The testing laboratory itself or in the community as ...