Медицинская литература
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- История медицины
Incorporation of Antimicrobial Compounds into Glass-Ionomer Cements
Раздел: Стоматология
Язык: Русский
The main incentive of the research presented in this book was to obtain an antimicrobial glass-ionomer cement (GIC), which would have all the features of glass ionomer cements, and would also have an ...
Self Ligating Brackets
Раздел: Стоматология
Язык: Русский
The increasing use of sliding mechanics in orthodontics has led to considerable research interest in the frictional forces developed due to interactions between the archwires and bracket.Reduced frict ...
New Denture Cleansers
Раздел: Стоматология
Язык: Русский
The objective of this study is to prepare a chemical compounds for cleaning denture from locally available materials. The chemical compounds solutions were (sodium bicarbonate + alum), (sodium bic ...
Obturation and its Recent Advances
Раздел: Стоматология
Язык: Русский
The dental profession’s most important goal is to maintain the health and integrity of patient's dentition. Dental clinicians must recognize that a particular method of obturation can not satisfy eve ...
Assessment of Potential Association between Periodontitis and COPD
Раздел: Стоматология
Язык: Русский
Systemic health is often closely linked to the state of the oral cavity : many systemic disease and conditions have oral manifestations. So in the recent past there has been greater concern in asso ...