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Wireless Speed Measurement and Control

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Язык: Русский
Modern electronics play a vital role in modeling the instrumentation systems. Wireless Speed Measurement and Control illustrates one such example for the modern electronics. This project illustrates t ...

High-level SOC Modeling and Performance Estimation

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Язык: Русский
The objective of this book is to provide the system designer with means (on the methodology and tools levels) to estimate system’s performances and evaluate rapidly and very early the design decisions ...

Selection of parameter ‘r’ in RC5 algorithm

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Язык: Русский
This book is a self-sufficient text for RC5 encryption algorithm. The main content of this book are the basic of cryptography which required for RC5 algorithm and the working of present RC5 algorithm. ...

LDPC Coded OFDM And It's Application To DVBT2 DVBS2 An IEEE 80216e

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Язык: Русский
Since the invention of Information Theory by Shannon in 1948, coding theorists have been trying to come up with coding schemes that will achieve capacity dictated by Shannon’s Theorem. The most succes ...

Исследование динамики вагонного колеса с ползуном

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Язык: Русский
Рассматривается динамика развития плоского дефекта (ползуна) на поверхности катания вагонного колеса. Найдено значение критической скорости поезда, при которой передняя кромка отрывается от рельса, и ...
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